Article du Washington Post

Article du 23 novembre 2018

« 5 wines that are steal at uder $20

*** Exceptional
** Excellent
*Very Good

Great Value **
Réthoré Davy Chapitre Pinot Noir 2017
Loire Valley France

Pinot Noir from the Loire can be rather light, and it often makes a nice rosé. This red is deep, savory and delicious. It grew on me, getting better the second night, so if you have time, open it a few hours before dinner. It actually reminded me of Loire Valley Cabernet Franc, featuring some of the smoky, leathery quality I call « grandpop’s library », but with the body and fruit of a nice Pinot Noir. ABV: 12.5 percent »



1001 Les Vignes
49110 Montrevault-sur-Evre


Tel. +33 (0)2 41 30 12 58
Mob. +33 (0)6 81 67 05 89


Coordonnées :
Latitude (N47° 15’8.535’’)
Longitude (W 1°2’36.7944”)

© Vignoble Réthoré Davy - Mentions légales - Conception : ICI